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This study was conducted to determine the interaction of individual corrosion products from biodegradable iron stents with cells from the adjacent tissue. The response of human umbilical venous smooth muscle cells (SMCs) to an excess of ferrous ions was investigated in a cell culture model at the phenotypic and at the molecular level. When soluble ferrous ions were added to the cell culture medium the cell growth rate was reduced. Gene expression profiling indicated a reduction in the amounts of mRNA from genes that are required for cell proliferation. In addition, mRNA was regulated from multiple genes involved in iron homeostasis, DNA replication and lipid metabolism. In conclusion, ions released from iron stents could reduce the vascular SMC proliferation rate by influencing growth-related gene expression and may therefore play a beneficial role in antagonizing restenosis in vivo.Citation
Biomaterials 2006, 27(10):2193-200PubMed ID
Scopus Count
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