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dc.contributor.authorSurup, Frank
dc.contributor.authorKuhnert, Eric
dc.contributor.authorLiscinskij, Elena
dc.contributor.authorStadler, Marc
dc.identifier.citationSilphiperfolene-Type Terpenoids and Other Metabolites from Cultures of the Tropical Ascomycete Hypoxylon rickii (Xylariaceae). 2015: Nat Prod Bioprospecten
dc.description.abstractA culture isolated from ascospores of Hypoxylon rickii, a xylariaceous ascomycete collected in Martinique, had yielded botryane, noreremophilane and abietane-type terpenoids in a preceding study, but additional metabolites were detected by extensive HPLC-MS analysis in other fractions. Herein we report the further isolation of four new sesquiterpenoids with a silphiperfol-6-ene skeleton from extracts of H. rickii. The planar structures were elucidated by NMR and HRMS data as 13-hydroxysilphiperfol-6-ene (1), 9-hydroxysilphiperfol-6-en-13-oic acid (2), 2-hydroxysilphiperfol-6-en-13-oic acid (3) and 15-hydroxysilphiperfol-6-en-13-oic acid (4). For compounds 2-4 we propose the trivial names rickinic acids A-C. Their stereochemistry was assigned by ROESY correlations as well as by the specific optical rotation. Additionally, the known compounds, botryenanol, dehydrobotrydienol, cyclo(Phe-Pro), cyclo(Pro-Leu), (+)-ramulosin and α-eleostearic acid were isolated. The antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of the new compounds are also reported.
dc.titleSilphiperfolene-Type Terpenoids and Other Metabolites from Cultures of the Tropical Ascomycete Hypoxylon rickii (Xylariaceae).en
dc.contributor.departmentHelmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Inhoffenstraße 7, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany.en
dc.identifier.journalNatural products and bioprospectingen
html.description.abstractA culture isolated from ascospores of Hypoxylon rickii, a xylariaceous ascomycete collected in Martinique, had yielded botryane, noreremophilane and abietane-type terpenoids in a preceding study, but additional metabolites were detected by extensive HPLC-MS analysis in other fractions. Herein we report the further isolation of four new sesquiterpenoids with a silphiperfol-6-ene skeleton from extracts of H. rickii. The planar structures were elucidated by NMR and HRMS data as 13-hydroxysilphiperfol-6-ene (1), 9-hydroxysilphiperfol-6-en-13-oic acid (2), 2-hydroxysilphiperfol-6-en-13-oic acid (3) and 15-hydroxysilphiperfol-6-en-13-oic acid (4). For compounds 2-4 we propose the trivial names rickinic acids A-C. Their stereochemistry was assigned by ROESY correlations as well as by the specific optical rotation. Additionally, the known compounds, botryenanol, dehydrobotrydienol, cyclo(Phe-Pro), cyclo(Pro-Leu), (+)-ramulosin and α-eleostearic acid were isolated. The antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of the new compounds are also reported.

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