Efficacy of rituximab in difficult-to-manage autoimmune hepatitis: Results from the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group.
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Than, Nwe NiHodson, James
Schmidt-Martin, Daniel
Taubert, Richard
Wawman, Rebecca E
Botter, Meemee
Gautam, Nishant
Bock, Kilian
Jones, Rebecca
Appanna, Gautham D
Godkin, Andrew
Montano-Loza, Aldo J
Lammert, Frank
Schramm, Christoph
Manns, Michael P
Swain, Mark
Burak, Kelly W
Adams, David H
Hirschfield, Gideon M
Oo, Ye Htun
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Show full item recordAbstract
Twenty-two patients with type-1 AIH were included, with a median age of 40 years at diagnosis (range 19-79); 15/22 (68%) were female and 18/22 (82%) were Caucasian. The median period from diagnosis to the end of follow-up in these patients was 11 years (range 3-28). Values of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and albumin improved significantly following rituximab therapy, and were sustained for up to 2 years (all p ≪0.001). Prednisolone doses were significantly reduced by 12 months post-treatment (p = 0.003), with 13/21 (62%) patients having a dose reduction. Over a median post-treatment follow-up period of 6 years (range 1-10), 5 patients developed AIH flares at a median of 22 months post-treatment, giving an estimated 71% freedom from AIH flare at 2 years. Four of these patients received a second course of treatment, of whom 2 had subsequent further flares. No serious adverse events attributable to rituximab were recorded.Citation
JHEP Rep. 2019 Nov 5;1(6):437-445. doi: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2019.10.005. eCollection 2019 Dec.Affiliation
HZI,Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH, Inhoffenstr. 7,38124 Braunschweig, Germany.Publisher
JHEP ReportsPubMed ID
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