Rhodopirellula heiligendammensis sp. nov., Rhodopirellula pilleata sp. nov., and Rhodopirellula solitaria sp. nov. isolated from natural or artificial marine surfaces in Northern Germany and California, USA, and emended description of the genus Rhodopirellula.
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Kallscheuer, NicolaiWiegand, Sandra
Jogler, Mareike
Boedeker, Christian
Peeters, Stijn H
Rast, Patrick
Heuer, Anja
Jetten, Mike S M
Rohde, Manfred
Jogler, Christian
Issue Date
2019-12-04Submitted date
Show full item recordAbstract
Expanding the collection of Planctomycetes by characterisation of novel species is key to better understanding of their complex lifestyles, uncommon cell biology and unexplored metabolism. Here, we isolated three novel planctomycetal strains from a kelp forest on the California Coastline at Monterey Bay or from plastic surfaces submerged in the Baltic Sea and the estuary of the river Warnow in the northeast of Germany. According to our phylogenetic analysis, the isolated strains Poly21T, Pla100T and CA85T represent three novel species within the genus Rhodopirellula. All three show typical planctomycetal traits such as division by budding. All are aerobic, mesophilic chemoheterotrophs and show genomic features comparable to other described Rhodopirellula species. However, strain CA85T is exceptional as it forms cream colonies, but no aggregates, which is a notable deviation from the pink- to red-pigmented and aggregate-forming Rhodopirellula species known thus far. We propose the names Rhodopirellula heiligendammensis sp. nov., Rhodopirellula pilleata sp. nov., and Rhodopirellula solitaria sp. nov. for the novel strains Poly21T (DSM 102266T = LMG 29467T = CECT 9847T = VKM B-3435T), Pla100T (DSM 102937T = LMG 29465T) and CA85T (DSM 109595T = LMG 29699T = VKM B-3451T), respectively, which we present as the respective type strains of these novel species.Journal
Antonie van LeeuwenhoekPubMed ID
Scopus Count
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