My profile at HZI Open Repository
The page "My HZI Open Repository" is your personal page and from here you have a number of possible options available:
- Submit to a collection
You will only be able to submit to collections you have been authorized to.
- View all items you have submitted
Note that this will display only items you have submitted not items you have authored. To display items you have authored you should set-up a researcher page and add them to that.
- Edit your registration details
Here you can also change your password.
- View any paused submissions
If you pause a submission midway, you can come back to it here and complete it or delete it entirely.
- Action any tasks
If you have been assigned a reviewer role any tasks assigned to you will be listed here. You will also receive an email notification for any new tasks assigned to you.
Further questions?
If you need more information or if you have specific questions please do not hesitate to contact us.